10 Aug

A couple of years ago I introduced one of my sisters to an omega3 product that had helped my husband and I with some physical issues. After I explained the benefits of this particular oil to her body and mind, she totally embraced this product. She got excited to think that there was something that she could do to get healthier and improve her quality of life. It became a ritual to start her day and she did it with excitement and appreciation. Everyday she would say out loud to the bottle of oil, “Thank you for building every cell in my body and making me healthier in every way.” She took her oil with positive intention. 

Well guess what? It worked. At her annual check- up with her MD she found that her blood pressure was down, her blood sugar was down, she had dropped 20 pounds, and she found herself explaining to her doctor the change she had made in her life. Six months later my sister had her eye check up and she needed a new prescription for her glasses. Her eyesight had improved! 

We have all heard of the placebo effect, but you may not know that it is a scientific fact. If you believe in something it has a 30% better chance of working for you. 

Dr Joe Dispenza has a book called You Are the Placebo where he explains the science in detail. I am not a scientist but if I have a Super- Power, it is reading a lot of books and taking a huge complex concept and putting it into a few simple and easy to understand words. Like Henry Ford when he said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” 

So now we come to the nocebo effect. You can find this explained scientifically also in the book by Dr Joe. In the case of my sister. What do you think would have happened if she had taken her oil out of the fridge each morning and looking at the bottle said “Oh yuk, I hate taking this oil. Why am I doing this?” 

Our words are powerful and when you combine them with an emotion, they become super-powers. In a quote from one of my upcoming books for young people, “When I speak a word or think a thought, every cell in my body is listening.” 

Back in the day there was this belief that you should give thanks before you eat a meal and perhaps even bless your food. I think they were on to something. I believe this is what my sister does with her omega 3 oil and just maybe that is why it appears that every cell in her body is listening. What do you think would happen if you acknowledged the goodness of every nourishing thing you put in your body, with JOY and GRATITUDE.


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