14 Jul

Long before the energy centers and channels in our body became food for discussion and research, and certainly before rubber soled shoes, people walked barefoot on the earth or with leather foot coverings. 

Humans were meant to connect energetically to the earth as animals do. 

We are energetic beings receiving energy from the sun and from the earth. Energy runs in both direction through our bodies unless of course we have on shoes that block the flow. 

In a quote from Eileen McKusick’s “Electric Body, Electric Health” she explains; “The role of grounding is to keep that flow of energy moving in both directions. Through the feet, we release the descending (positively charged) energy that’s made its way through the system down into the earth and simultaneously soak up fresh new life force (negatively charged) from the ground beneath us. 

”While wearing rubber soled shoes your body has no way to release all the dirty energy that we pick up all day long from the environment. Electronics, cell phones, microwaves, and dirty energy from electric wiring are bombarding us all day long. Just walking barefoot on the grass for a few minutes everyday can make a big difference in how your energy is flowing through your body. 

Clinton Ober, in his book Earthing - The most important health discovery ever? Claims that earthing will not only help you sleep better at night but will also reduce inflammation in your body. 

In northern climates it is difficult to put your bare feet on the ground in the winter but there are lots of options out there now. There are earthing mats, bed sheets and earthing shoes. 

In my opinion, grounding is as important as sunlight, water, air and nutrients. For more information on the science of grounding or earthing, check out the two above mentioned books. 

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