LOVE is the highest frequency.
David R Hawkins, in his book, Power vs Force attempts to create a scale for emotions and their frequencies. He also states that Love is more than just a high frequency emotion. It is a way of life.
Some say Authenticity is the highest frequency, but I think we will all agree that fear, anger, guilt, and sadness are all emotions with a low frequency and that peace, joy, gratitude, and Love create higher frequencies in our body and in our life.
With your help these pages attempt to teach children that Love is not just a word but rather a feeling in the body and a way of acting in your life.
The mirror Love exercise brings up the concept of self-love. Self-Love is not selfishness, but the basis for inner peace. It is not what you do but the way you treat yourself. For anyone that struggles with this exercise, try to take a fun approach. Start with something like “My goodness, you look cute today. Just look at that smile!”
Expressing gratitude for what you already have in your life brings you into the elevated frequency of Gratitude, but it also begins to bring you into resonance with these good things in your life, whether it be the sweetness of Goldfinches at the feeder or the satisfaction of seeing your new seedlings sprout out of the soil.
Speaking your Truth keeps you in the authenticity of who you really are, in your Inner Being, but it must be done with Compassion for the Inner Being of the Listener. There is satisfaction in knowing you were heard and in knowing you reciprocated.
This owl’s vision is fully focused on finding dinner. He is expending physical energy with his vision to zero in on his desires.
We have the power to Focus our minds, without using our eyes, to zero in on our desires. With our eyes closed we can imagine what it is we want. We can imagine what it looks like, feels like, smells like, and sounds like. We can Focus in on how this desired “thing” makes us feel inside. We can also learn how to stay Focused on our goal while our eyes are open and we live our lives.
These two butterflies represent an issue in our environment and a solution. In my mind I see the first butterfly as contracted, tense, closed up and playing a video game. Her energy is going into someone else’s imaginings via a device. The second butterfly is spreading her wings and opening up to all the amazing creative possibilities available in this garden we call earth.
AWARENESS is about being here now in the present moment.
Not thinking about the past or worrying about the future, it’s about putting the oars back in the canoe and slowly floating down the river of life. You are not trying to fight your way upstream against the current or racing downstream to get to where you think you want to be, but just enjoying the show on the river- bank in total Awareness of right now.
Or Awareness is like this Monarch butterfly connected to the earth through her perch on this Echinacea blossom, smelling the fragrances, listening to the bees and the breeze, and enjoying all the colors presented in this fabulous garden right here, right now.
When Mind, Body, and Spirit are in Balance.
Mind is intellect or thinking.
Body is experience or emotions.
Spirit is connection to Source or Being.
When we spend too much time in our heads worrying or planning, or are stuck in an emotional turmoil of feelings, or meditating our day away – we are not in Balance. Some people might say we spend our lives searching for and working towards the harmony of Balance in these three aspects of being human.
Focused Breath is a powerful tool to slow down thinking, release emotions, and practice being.
The Breathing exercise outlined on this page in the book is for beginners. For a more comprehensive tool you can add more focus points.
Where in my body do I notice tension?
Can I send my breath to that tension and ask it to let go?
Where in my body do I notice movement with the breath?
Can I allow my whole body to flow with the wave of my breath
This is who I find when I turn down the noise of my body and mind and I sit quietly and Breathe.
Breath work is a powerful tool to go inside and connect with who you really are. Eyes closed is the best way to learn and perfect the process. After some time and practice you will find that you can “go there”, into that calm and peaceful place with your eyes open, and in a softened gaze.
You can connect to the earth and feel it’s energy. You can connect to the cosmos and expand into it.
When I am in Balance and Present, my imagination becomes a tool to create my future. Using the breathwork technique previously discussed try sitting with your eyes closed and relax into the wave of your breath.
Can you feel the earth beneath you, supporting you?
Can you feel the expanse of the cosmos above you?
Now, can you imagine that you can soften your heart in the middle of your chest?
Breathe into it. Soften.
Continue to breathe relax and soften for several minutes.
Now, can you imagine that you can open your mind at the top of your head?
Breathe into it, open it up. Continue to breathe and open for several minutes softening your heart center, and opening your mind.
The Heart Math Institute has shown that bringing your heart, mind, and breath into coherence aids in accessing your inner being and intuition. Now, ask your Inner Being if it has something to share with you.
(You do not go looking for an answer, you wait for it to come)
Perhaps the answer will show up in your dreams. Breathe, Relax, Take your time, When you are ready, slowly come back into the room and open your eyes.