07 Nov



Eileen McKusick in her book Electric Body Electric Health says, “Who you are is a radiant light body.” You are an electro magnetic being whose cells literally emit light. At some point on your journey through This Little Light of Mine with your little one, they may turn to you and ask, “Do I have a light shining inside of me?” As we don’t want to go into the quantum explanation with small children, I have come up with a few simple suggestions to answer this question. Of course you do. Every time I look into your eyes, I can see it shining. You light up my life. Everyday my life is happier and brighter because you are in it. When you come into a room and people look at you, they are seeing your light. It is not the kind of light that a light bulb makes It is a light that gets brighter when you smile.


Love is the gift I give myself when I shine my light inside and I like who I see. It is a gift I can share with others. When your little one asks, “How do I look inside of me?” I have created a little exercise for you to do with your child to assist in answering this question. Close your eyes. Now tell me what is in this room where we are. (bed, chair, teddy) Even though you can’t see them you know they are here. They are all outside of you. Now, forget everything that is outside of you. Just feel your body, wiggle your toes and fingers. Now, with your eyes still closed imagine you can look inside your belly. Who is in there? Who lives in this body? Is it you?(name) Do you like who you see in there? When you look at others you can try to imagine the person on the inside that they see when they close their eyes.


My power is inside of me. I use my happy thoughts and good feelings to feed my power. My power is not about how strong my muscles are. That strength is on the outside. My real power is on the inside. It is my light. It gets stronger when I think happy thoughts. When I feel joy or love or gratitude, the power of my light gets even stronger.


Joy is what I feel when I am full of light and love, and I am shining like the sunrise.
Here are some examples of the feeling of joy. The first time I tie my own shoes! When the storm clouds part and the sun warms my skin. Dancing in the pouring rain on a summer day. What brings you joy?


Peace is what I have when I am calm, quiet, relaxed and content. When I am laying outside on a dark night looking up at the stars. When I am listening to a fountain and the birds are singing. When I am laying in a hammock looking up at the sun shining through the leaves of a tree. When I hear the breeze as it tinkles the windchimes. Or, when I just close my eyes, breathe slowly and quietly and just imagine what makes me calm.


Trust is the feeling that everything will be OK. The sun will come up tomorrow. I will still be me. My light will still be shining. Love is my gift to give. I will be here for you, and you will be here for me.


I pay attention to what I want more of. If I want a puppy or a cat or a bike, I learn everything I can about what it is I want. I save pictures of it, and I think happy thoughts about what it is like. I use my imagination to practice riding the bike or brushing the dog or feeding the cat. When the time is right, what I am desiring will show up.


I decide to feel good, so I cancel thoughts that don’t make me feel good. 
If I don’t feel good because it is bedtime and I don’t want to go to bed, the more I focus on I don’t want to go to bed, the worse I will feel. Or I can cancel that thought and think about something that makes me feel good. I really like it when I’m tired and I look forward to cuddles, or I have a great book to take to bed or tomorrow something super is going to happen. When I go to bed, I close my eyes, relax my body, breathe slowly, and use my imagination to take me anywhere I want to go and do anything I want to do. In my imagination I can fly to the moon or build a treehouse.


Gratitude is what I feel when I see the value in something, and I appreciate it. I show gratitude by saying thank you and smiling. Appreciation is like gratitude only you don’t always say thank you, like when the sunrise turns the clouds and the whole sky some fantastic colors and it only lasts for a few minutes, but it makes you smile and appreciate the beauty in it. You got to see something special. You feel lucky. If you stop and look up and appreciate a beautiful sunset you feel good inside but if you don’t notice it because you are thinking about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow, you will have missed something special right now today.


I am me and I am happy to be me. I am the me that I see when I look in the mirror, but I am also the me that I see when I close my eyes and look inside. I am the light that shines inside of me, I am the love that I feel inside.   I AM ME

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